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Sept-Nov 2013  | Feast Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 32

Why All Christianity Is Catholic

    Different denominations of Christianity see themselves as representing the sole true religious tradition, despite their many similarities to one another.

    Yet in reality they are all simply subsets of the exact same religious tradition, which is in essence Catholic, and utterly flawed in their origin as they are false in many, if not most, of their core beliefs.

    This can easily be seen in the calendar they all follow and run their religious lives by, which is far from accurate, true or inspired.

    Heathen in its origins, all Christian religious denominations accept and honor this flawed, utterly false calendar and its supposed "week," as allegedly "inspired" and even apparently "supported" by scripture.

Pagan Week

    The pure truth is that the Gregorian calendar, like the equally flawed and pagan Julian calendar before it, is entirely heathen in origin and did not even exist until several hundred years after the scriptures that comprise the bible were all completed, much less in the calendar's present form, since the so-called "New Style" reforms of the 18th century.

    It is axiomatic that the so-called "week" referred to in English language translations of those scriptures, could not have referred to something that, in actual fact, did not even exist at that time!

    Actually, the modern concept of a week, as a pagan method of worshipping and honoring the sun, moon and five of the now known planets -- in violation of the scriptural prohibition against this practice (Deuteronomy 4:19, 17:2-5) -- existed long before the New Testament period, in ancient Egypt.

    That is where and when the practice originated of devoting entire days to worshipping the sun and moon, and then noting which of five of the other then known celestial bodies rose first on the horizon at the first hour of each subsequent day, and devoting that hour to worship each in turn, while naming the entire day in honor of that planet.

    So it is that the modern week is thought to start with a day named for the moon (Monday or moon's day), followed by a day named for a Teutonic version of the ancient name for the planet Mars (Tuesday, or Tiwe's day), then by a day named for the Teutonic false deity Woden, Oden or Odin, in relation to the Roman name for the planet Mercury (Wednesday, or Wodonz-daeg), followed by another day named for yet another Teutonic false deity Thor, Thor's day (Thursday, or Tors-daeg), related to the planet Jupiter.

    This is followed by a day named for the Teutonic false deity Frigg (wife of Oden in Norse mythology), another name for the more ancient Roman Venus, after which that planet is named, Fre- or Frigg's day (Friday, or Frigg's-daeg).

    Finally the so-called "week end" begins with a day devoted to the planet Saturn (Saturday, or Saturn's day), and ends with a day devoted to the Sun (Sunday, or Sun's day). Of course which day "ends" or "begins" this so-called week is a matter of religious dispute among various modern false religious traditions, including those of Islam, Judaism and various Christian denominations.

What Catholic Means

    So the entirety of the modern week violates inspired scriptural commandment, which forbids this sort of heathen practice and false religious observance!

    Not that this has ever been acknowledged by Christians as a whole, or deterred all of Christianity from following such heathen beliefs and practices.

    The reason behind this sad state of religion in our modern world reveals why all of Christianity is in fact Catholic...

    The word catholic, from the Greek word katholikos, means "the whole" or "all-encompassing," which is further interpreted in modern English as meaning "universal" or even "worldwide" or "international."

    Any religion representing such a concept, that would join together all Christian churches into one body (similar to the World Council of Churches) is, in reality, entirely Catholic and heathen in its origin and purpose.

Heathen Christianity

    Catholicism has always been known for its liberalism, because of its tendency to embrace, emulate and incorporate heathen religious traditions, by recasting their pagan customs with a thin veneer of "acceptable" Christian traditions, while not actually changing anything.

    Such a practice explains the adherence to heathen forms of idol worship, from praying to statues, to stained glass windows and religious paintings or other objects of art, to phallic church spires, among many other similar originally (in reality still) heathen religious practices (which include all of the symbols and observances known today as Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, and Halloween).

    This has led to the outgrowth of all the various Christian denominations, or varieties of Catholicism, including even those that are no longer thought of as outgrowths of this major heathen religion, such as Anglicans, Lutherans, Baptists, and even Mormons.

    All of these, from Pentecostals, or Evangelicals, to so-called "new age" rapture enthusiasts, and many other assorted varieties, flavors or denominations of Christianity, are all nothing more than merely different aspects of the selfsame false heathen Catholic religious tradition.

    Little wonder then, that most denominations embrace or at least tolerate other thoroughly heathen traditions, such as Halloween and Valentine's day.

    This is as false as the exact same heathen calendar every Christian denomination follows and worships according to, setting their meetings and observances by its pagan dictates about which day is supposedly "sacred" (whether it is thought to be Saturday or Sunday or, in the case of Islam, even Friday).

Not Inspired!

    The false calendar heathen religious "week" is also now honored and followed by several other distinctly non-Christian (but equally false) religious traditions, including Islam and Judaism.

    Centuries of Christian religious dominance have seen to it that this false calendrical tradition is firmly ensconced and anchored in the vast majority of religious traditions found in the so-called Western world or "civilization," as we presently know it.

    None of which indicates the presence of anything actually inspired or sacred about this sad state of religious deception, so reminiscent of the prophetic warning that the entire end-time world would be enthralled (enslaved) by, and eagerly worship, the worldwide religion of the beast and false prophet, described so accurately in the scriptural book of Revelation (see chapter 13, verses 3-4, 8, 12-14)!

    All of which is also revealed in the dictionary definition of the word denomination.

    A denomination, religiously speaking, is: "a church or religious sect" (Reader's Digest Oxford Complete Wordfinder).

    While sect is defined as: "a body of people subscribing to religious doctrines usually different from those of an established church from which they have separated" (ibid.).

    Regardless of differences, however, all sects or denominations bear and have many similarities to the so-called "established church," whatever that is supposed to mean, out of which they have separated.

    For instance, when is a church considered "established" compared to one that is not?

    Who decides this issue, or has the "right" to define one church as "legitimate" -- in so many words -- compared to another that is considered illegitimate?

    Such labels are anything but inspired!

Tarred By The Same Brush

    Isn't it possible that all such religions, because they have the exact same common, root source, are in fact illegitimate if the sole church out of which they sprang is proved to be thus?

    What good does it do for the pot to call the kettle black, when they're both charred by the same fire?

    Since Christianity, as a whole, believes in the idea of a catholic, or universal, religion -- as seen in such organizations as the World Council of Churches -- how can it be anything other than Catholic in reality?

    All churches, and there are an increasing number, calling themselves "worldwide," "universal," "international," or some similar synonym for catholic, are simply stating the obvious fact that they are following this selfsame concept of a "one world religion."

    All the more so if, like the beast's world-ruling kingdom, they seek to, or do, exercise dominion or authority over the inhabitants of the earth, to force them eventually to bow down to, and worship, a talking image (or android) of the beast (Revelation 13:12).

    Whatever name it is called by today, whether it be "evangelical," "new age," "pentecostal," "charismatic," or something else, Catholicism is rampant throughout Christianity today, whether or not this is readily admitted.

    This is the one common denominator among all the seeming disparate religious denominations that all tar themselves with the same common brush called "Christianity."

    Which, for the record, is nowhere near the Savior's true and only name of salvation, or anything like a correct designation by which He ever was, is now, or ever will be called or known, by His chosen elect!

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