The Pure Truth Restored

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Dec. 2012 – Feb. 2013  | Winter Issue  | Vol. 8, No. 27

Why Do You Fight Against The Truth?

    If you are like most today, you probably felt a twinge of resistance against the very idea that you might indeed be fighting against the truth.

    That can't be true, can it?

    But if you think about it, and carefully consider it, don't you have an argument against everyone whose idea of "the truth" doesn't match your own perfectly?

    And where did your concept of truth originate?

    Does it not spring from everything you have learned to accept without question, taken for granted, and assumed to be true a priori, as a matter of fact, even if there are no real facts behind it?

    Take evolution for instance.

    Those who accept, believe and argue for this concept of the supposed origin of life on earth have taken so many leaps of faith their "scientific belief" system looks more like religious dogma.

    ...Which is precisely what it is, whether or not you accept this fact.

    That's because the so-called "evidence" in favor of evolution is all conjectural, lacking, or invented out of whole cloth.

    Take those images of a fish emerging from the water, turning into a lizard, then a chimpanzee, followed by an ape, then a supposed neanderthal, and finally a man.

    Haven't you (or probably others you personally know) always just taken that for granted, without question or doubt, simply because others in positions of what you considered to be "authority" assured you it was all true?

    Think about it, however, and you should start to realize a few pesky facts they've neglected to tell you.

    Such as the rather obvious one about there being fish, chimps, apes, and even men who today appear for all the world like a neanderthal, along with men you think of as the epitome of normal.

Myths of "Modern Science"

    If this supposed "evolutionary progression" had actually taken place, why was it even necessary, since conditions must have existed all along for the survival of each species, or else those other supposed stages would not exist today?

    If all of these stages or forms in the supposed "evolutionary progression" leading to modern man, took place over millions of years, which is something entirely unprovable in fact, then why don't you see it happening today?

    Surely those chimps and apes at your local zoo must long for some way to escape the confines of their limited environments. Why not evolve and change into something more like the streams of humanity they see passing their enclosures every day, or a bird that can take flight over their confining walls?

    Why do they simply live, and die, as chimps or apes, without ever turning or developing into something more advanced or "evolved" over time?

    Do you seriously think that, after "millions of years" of being kept in zoos (if such were even possible, considering their rather limited lifespans) such animals will ever become something more "evolved" or something other than what they already are?

    It boggles a truly rational mind how anyone in their right mind could possibly believe such twaddle, but so many do today that it reveals an important truth about mankind's alleged search for the truth.

The True Origin of Falsehood

    In reality, most do not want to hear, accept or believe the real truth, they merely want to continue believing the comfortable lies they have blindly accepted all their life -- because they are familiar with them -- than face the uncomfortable facts and truths that shatter their misconceptions, and reveal their arrogant ignorance.

    How about you?

    Does the idea you could be fundamentally wrong about something invoke the urge to resist or even fight against the thought, much less possible reality of such truth?

    Do you get angry at the very thought of being proved wrong, or shown anything that tends to reveal where you have been mistaken, about some religiously-held concept of reality that doesn't actually jibe with the facts?

    An ancient wise man once wrote: "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure, who can understand it?" ("Jeremiah" 17:9).

    It is, as the very next verse goes on to explain, your conduct and your deeds that reveal what is on your mind and in your heart, whether good or evil.

    The course your entire life has taken, whether it has been for mostly selfish, or more altruistic, selfless ends, is determined by what is stored up in your heart, which directs your brain to think, ponder, believe and act on these subconscious impulses.

    Have they always led you in a productive, fruitful, helpful and blessed path through life? Or have you, like most people, experienced more than your share of self-inflicted troubles along the way?

Free Choice – A Cause To Rejoice?

    Even those problems that come from without, for which you assume no personal responsibility, do in fact originate with your inner guidance and direction in life.

    If you were in harm's way, might it not be because you were not led or inspired to be elsewhere when the trouble erupted about you?

    Life is full of choices, and often those who are not fully capable of making their own choices suffer as a result of those around them, who are supposed to be responsible, having made bad choices that reflect upon and diminish the lives of others.

    Have you been, or are you, guilty of such things?

    This can be an unpleasant thing to admit, and it might cause you untold grief to realize, but that can be a good thing for you, so long as it causes you to stop, reconsider, and change course.

    Often, finding the blessings life has to offer you is as simple as that, changing direction (otherwise known as repentance)!

    You see, if the path you are currently on is headed straight into a tempest, doesn't it make sense to make a hasty retreat instead of blindly forging ahead, whatever the cost?

    Fighting against the truth can be just that dangerous, and more so, if you could only see what lies ahead of you with genuine prophetic clarity.

    Why suffer the pangs of remorse and regret, when you could instead have reason to rejoice?

    That choice is yours to make, so make it a good one!

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