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Sept-Nov 2013  | Feast Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 32

Why Positive Thinking Is Counter-Intuitive

    There are those today who think that any focus on the present evils of this world and age is "negative" thinking.

    They seek only whatever seems "positive" to them.

    Yet by so doing they are guilty of the worst form of negative thinking, that which negates the truth, marginalizes it into non-existence through neglect and ignoring reality, while embracing the fiction of "positivity" that exists only in their own warped minds and way of thinking.

    In the process they become a negative influence on the lives of others -- all those being impacted, hurt and harmed by the very real negative influences, conditions and forces at work in this age -- as they live their lives in total denial of this heinous reality.

    What results is a world where such evils are free to fester, proliferate and harm increasing numbers, which is of little or no concern to those who so far are relatively free from its impact, until these troubles all come home to roost, as they inevitably must, even in the lives of those who have fought so hard to suppress all acknowledgement of the impact such evils are forcing into the lives of more and more people daily.

    You see, focusing on these evils can be a very positive thing to do, because the more attention and light of reason, and purpose to change such circumstances for the better, the less such evils are able to flourish, grow or dominate.

The Ostrich Brigade

    While the ostrich brigade likes to deceive themselves into thinking such evils only exist in the minds of those who face up to their existence. The belief that those who admit to the evils and seek to warn or defend against them are somehow delusional or corrupted by "negative thinking" is itself a prime example of deluded and insane, negative thinking.

    What else could you call those who deny the reality negatively impacting the lives of so many, just because things seem to be going well, so far, for them personally?

    However, by ignoring the reality and doing nothing to alleviate it -- by helping those who are being hurt and harmed by an out of control government, economy, corporations and courts run amok -- only feeds such negative forces and helps them grow and impact the lives of countless others daily.

    Until, eventually, even those who so forcefully and adamantly pushed their heads into the sand of "positive thinking" to escape the realization that -- sooner or later -- they also must suffer the consequences of having ignored and allowed evil to flourish in their midst, this becomes their reality as well.

    For instance, when good paying jobs are becoming harder to come by, as salaries are increasingly lowered while inflation is robbing everyone, including many of those thought to be rich, of a growing portion of their buying power, even those in insulated, more protected industries will eventually feel the sting of layoffs, unemployment, and all the attendant misery and suffering that come with these onerous conditions.

Counter-Intuitive Thinking

    The rich may have a buffer that initially prevents them from suffering along with those not so blessed, but not even running off to far and distant locales can save them from the turmoil, social unrest and anger of the masses who are being marginalized, policed, and oppressed nearly everywhere like never before in human history.

    Eventually, everyone will be victimized by ignored and tolerating evils, except that the "positive thinkers" will bear a majority of the blame for their ignorant and culpable attitudes, that allow such things to proliferate, grow, fester and explode violently, as desperate people start taking desperate measures just to survive.

    Yes, "positive thinking" is just that counter-intuitive, while so-called "negative thinking" -- that focuses on finding workable solutions by facing evils head-on -- is a most positive and sane mindset; one we would all do well, if many more learned to engage in, indulge and encourage this type of thinking more often!

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