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Dec. 2012 – Feb. 2013  | Winter Issue  | Vol. 8, No. 27

Why The National Debt Is Illegal And Void

    The Federal Reserve, by inflating its currency -- which has surreptitiously taken the place of real United States notes and bills over the years, inflation being a form of unsanctioned tax -- is committing insurrection and rebellion against the United States.

    This is nothing less than an attempt to bankrupt America, and bring it to its knees economically and politically, so that the rights and freedoms of all Americans are finally lost to the resulting police state tyranny.

    Fraud is contrary to any valid law, and Federal Reserve Notes are fraudulent on their very face.

    Each bill purports to be a certain value denominated in "dollars," yet the one "dollar" Federal Reserve Note, for instance, is worth but a fraction (which is always decreasing constantly with inflation) of a real United States gold or silver coin Dollar by comparison.

    Therefore, since the word Dollar is legally defined as a certain weight and purity of either of these precious metal coins (cf. e.g. Public Law 99-61, Title II, Liberty Coin Act, July 9, 1985), anything purporting to be a "dollar" of any less value is nothing less than a counterfeit attempt to rob those trusting in its alleged "value" (which in final analysis will be zero, when it is fully exposed by the utter economic devastation and ruination it causes, its present "valuation" only being determined by whatever false faith gullible but foolish people have misplaced in it).

The Historical Legal Standard

    If Americans had been generally obedient to the Old Testament Laws revealed through Moses, they would have easily seen through this deception, for the Creator's law forbids the practice of deceptive or dishonest standards, as follows:

    "Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, weight or quantity. Use honest scales and honest weights, an honest dry measure and an honest wet measure" (Leviticus 19:35-36).

    This law is referred to repeatedly throughout the Old Testament, which reinforces its importance and the urgent need for us to obey it. For example:

    "Do not have two differing weights in your bag -- one heavy, one light. Do not have two differing measures in your house -- one large, one small. You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land Yahveh your Almighty One is giving you. For Yahveh your Almighty One detests anyone who does these things, anyone who deals dishonestly" (Deuteronomy 25:13-16).

    "Yahveh detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights are His delight" (Proverbs 11:1).

    "Honest scales and balances are from Yahveh; all the weights in the bag are His work" (Proverbs 16:11).

    "Differing weights and differing measures -- Yahveh detests them both" (Proverbs 20:10).

    "Yahveh detests differing weights, and dishonest scales do not please Him" (Proverbs 20:23).

    "'Stop dispossessing my people!' Yahveh declares. 'You are to use accurate scales, an accurate dry measure and an accurate wet measure'..." (Ezekiel 45:9-10; verses 11-12, go on to define and describe the original dry and wet measures, as well as the ancient monetary standard for coinage).

    "Shall I acquit a man with dishonest scales, with a bag of false weights?" (Micah 6:11).

    The following verses of Micah 6 go on to describe the end results of this form of rampant dishonesty, which anyone with the eyes to see must admit is already happening to America and the rest of the world that has relied on dishonest paper or electronic fiat "currencies" for their money:

    "Her rich men are violent; her people are liars and their tongues speak deceitfully. Therefore I have begun to destroy you, to ruin you because of your sins.

    "You will eat but not be satisfied; your stomach will still be empty. You will store up but save nothing, because what you save I will give to the sword [continuous costly wars].

    "You will plant but will not harvest; you will press olives but not use the oil on yourselves, you will crush grapes but not drink the wine..." (Micah 6:12-15; verses 14-15 describing what are in effect slavery conditions, where ownership or control is vested in someone other than the workers).

Constitutional Mandate Ignored

    America used to have an honest Dollar, until it permitted the introduction of inflatable Federal Reserve Note "dollars" of ever-decreasing value.

    Finally, while United States Dollars were always redeemable in the exact same valuation in gold or silver coin to the bearer on demand at the U.S. Treasury, all America has left today are dishonest "dollars" that are bankrupting the United States (as they have, and are bankrupting every country around the world that has relied upon such bankster-created fiat "currencies").

    Such false valuation currencies always lead to recessions, depressions, wars at home and abroad, social instability, and eventually the total conquest of every nation that relies upon them.

    America will be no exception to this rule, unless it changes (repents) of its willful Lawlessness and begins to obey our Creator's Commandments, statutes, judgments and just Laws wholeheartedly!

    Since the end result -- as the "Federal" Reserve (federal in name only, as this institution is about as unAmerican as any can be) bankers well know -- is the loss of all freedoms and liberties by all Americans (those who survive the coming time of great economic distress and warfare that Fed "dollars" are right now creating), can anyone deny this as insurrection or rebellion to the constitution and legitimate government built upon it, against the United States?

    With that point clearly in mind, here is what Section 4 of the 14th Amendment to the United States constitution plainly and unequivocally mandates:

    "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void."

    There is also a clear-cut obligation for the legitimate government of the United States (or any State, by inference) to pay bounties for services to suppress insurrection or rebellion against the United States.

    This is how the blatantly unlawful "federal debt" through usurious, inflatable, false and dishonest debt "dollars" -- a debt which can never be repaid thanks to the unlawful tax called inflation -- can finally be suppressed and outlawed, if Americans wake up and take upon themselves the rightful authority they already possess to accomplish this worthy task!

Drug-Like Stupor

    Most of the western world today, misled by America's less than stellar example, dearly desires the cocaine-like addictive highs of artificial economies.

    The inevitable lows, of high unemployment, recessions and even depressions (whether called this or not) only lead fiat economy addicts to desperately seek yet another "fix" of inflationary currency expansion, which can only create and cause even worse delirium tremens, consisting of the financial earthquakes of failed business closures, bankruptcies, home foreclosures, more unemployment and homelessness.

    This leads, inevitably to constant hallucinations of financial solvency, "good times" and economic euphoria, which usually immediately precede another big financial disaster about to erupt upon an unsuspecting populace like Mount Vesuvius took the inhabitants of ancient Pompeii by deadly surprise.

    What's needed are some fiat economic drug treatment facilities, to help a drug-befuddled and endangered public overcome its dire financial addictions!

Why The "National Debt" Is Illegal And Void...

    Inflation is nothing more or less than printing (or issuing, in the form of loans, disaster relief or welfare debit cards, food stamps, etc.) an ever increasing number of fraud fiat "dollars," which suppress and drive down the perceived "value" of every supposed "dollar" in circulation, in a never-ending downward spiral.

    This effectively robs the elderly on fixed incomes and those with savings denominated in such dishonest "dollars," and leads to loan defaults, foreclosures, closed businesses, repossessed homes, homelessness, growing poverty, insufficient work for an increasingly indigent and indolent population, and every other economic evil Americans have experienced since the "great" depression of the 1930s.

    The only question now is, knowing all this, will you simply sit idly by and do nothing, while the United States roasts on the central banker's spit, or will you take it upon yourself to teach others these facts, help spread the word, and actually do something useful about it?

    The banker-controlled corporate "news" media will never tell you the truth about this, because it would quickly cost them their jobs and any direct access they still enjoy to the general public.

    All of the alleged "candidates" the media pushes to the fore in every election are only those who will sell America and Americans down the sewer of false promises, misplaced hopes, and feigned patriotism, while they serve and are controlled by the domestic and foreign enemies of America!

    While Americans get obese eating more and more nutritionless "foods" -- with growing appetites that can never be satiated (Micah 6:14), and have become lazy "entertainment" junkies, the United States slips further into the greedy grasp of the biggest and baddest enemy it has ever faced: banksters and those domestic enemies ensconced in positions of governmental control who empower them!

    This is why the national debt is both illegal and void, and why you would be wise to heed this warning, and do something about it (like demand the "Federal" Reserve be abolished, to start with), such as requiring your government deal only in honest United States currency, redeemable to the bearer on demand in true gold or silver Dollar coins, circulated through every bank.

    And expect these enemies of America to mount an attack militaristically from within and/or militarily from without, should their nefarious plan to finally bankrupt, ruin and ultimately destroy the United States fall short of success as a result.

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