The Pure Truth Restored

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Sept-Nov 1984 A.R. (2014) | Fall | Vol. 10, No. 37

Why Your Religion Can’t Save You

    There is one major reason why all so-called religions today give false hope in salvation that they are incapable of achieving.

    Unless you are paying attention to the one source for The Pure Truth you cannot know what that is, and are probably comforting yourself with a false hope in salvation you can never attain without it.

The Defining Difference

    How can this be? What is the defining difference between all the false religions, and their false hopes in pseudo-“salvation,” and the actual and only truth about this age’s old deception, true religion and real salvation?

    It is this:

    They, and probably you if you’ve accepted what they mis-teach, simply don’t know the difference between that which is clean and that which is not.

    This goes so much beyond the age-old controversy over which animals are good to eat and which are not (about which, stop and ask yourself what difference there is in either animals or people now, from when certain animals were declared unfit for human consumption, compared with poisonous chemicals, toxic plants and the like).

    In fact, the words “clean” and “unclean” are largely responsible for this dilemma and defect in understanding the wisdom that leads to actual salvation, being far too simplistic to grasp or fully understand.

What Does Unclean Mean?

    Modern English translators and translations of scripture would do better to substitute more descriptive and appropriate words, bearing the same original intention and meaning (other than “ceremonial,” which also clouds and conceals the true meaning).

    For example, “unclean” could be better translated as: adulterated, corrupted, contaminated or polluted.

    Impure is another way of saying it, but even this is subject to misinterpretation, as being mere “religious ceremony” over actual substance.

    The concept of unclean concerns whatever is unhealthy, or physically and/or spiritually demeaning or destructive.

Spiritually Unclean Calendar

    Here are some examples of this concept in practical modern-day terms:
The Gregorian calendar days of the “week,” “months,” “years,” “decades,” and even “centuries” are all flawed, false and therefore unclean.

    For instance, Y2K (year two thousand) was nothing of the kind, it was Y2K minus 30 instead!

    In other words, the centuries and decades ought to be determined by a known date, not a false, fraudulent and unknowable date. The year of the Savior’s physical birth was never as important as when He was resurrected from the dead (His spiritual birth), the first being concealed — actually 5 BCE (Gregorian calendar false time reckoning) in the springtime — the latter being well-known as having taken place in 30 CE (Gregorian calendar mistaken year).

    The idea of so-called “week-ends” and “holidays” often conflict with the true sacred calendar’s New Cycle celebrations, Feast and other sabbaths every so-called “year,” just as secular-religious observances begin their calendar years in the middle of the wrong season (winter), rather than the actual beginning of a new year (spring).

    That’s as wrong-headed as observing the end of a year (summer and fall) as the start of a so-called religious year, or the end of a day as its “beginning” rather than with dawn, as one major false religion teaches, observes and hypocritically condemns others for “disobeying.”

    The only way the current “week” — with days named after (devoted to) the sun, moon and planets (“stars”) such as Saturn — is historical or scriptural is in the prohibition against such worship (observance) of these things, condemned and outlawed in Deuteronomy 4:19, 17:3-5, “Jeremiah” 8:2, “Ezekiel” 8:16-17 and Romans 1:25.

    The so-called modern “week” actually did not exist prior to the third or fourth century.

    Prior to that Rome observed a ten day agricultural week, and the true followers of the Messiah kept correct date-of-the-year sabbaths, counted from annual Feast sabbaths, which were in turn observed according to seasonal New Cycle (“month”) Feast sabbath observances four times throughout the year.

When Is The Actual Year 2000?

    What’s wrong with the modern means of telling time?

    The craze during the so-called 1980s and 1990s (Gregorian calendar “decades”) over expecting the then supposed “imminent return” of the Savior — including many false prophets raising alarms and cries leading many to disappointment and disillusionment — that has spilled over into the present-day era of largely jaundiced disbelief, skepticism and ridicule of anything and everything prophetic, is one of the chief results.

    While we are presently actually in the year 1984 A.R. (After Resurrection), only 16 years away from the actual year 2000, the world slumbers along in its self-imposed deceptions, blinded against the fulfillment of end-time prophecies before our very eyes, the likes of which are overlooked and ignored by most deceived religious followers as well as secularists.

    The time when people can individually communicate with, buy and send gifts to one another, or simultaneously and instantly watch an event take place on the other side of the world, via satellite and cell phone transmissions, the Internet, and online shopping, combined with fast delivery services, and the like, simply did not exist thirty years ago.

    Today all of these remarkable developments of the past few years make the fulfillment of Revelation 11:10 not only possible but highly likely, like never before in known human history!

    Certainly, at the time this prophecy was written — up to and including every generation since, until just recently — the world and its inhabitants simply could not conceive how such things were even possible.

    Yet here we are, face-to-face with the reality of this impending fulfillment of prophecy, almost entirely oblivious and blinded concerning this reality!

Pure Salvation Or Not?

    Any wonder, then, that a world that disbelieves in the scriptural injunctions against whatever is unclean, impure, contaminated, adulterated or polluted, will finally mostly refuse the admonition and instruction of Revelation 18:4, echoing the words of the prophets “Isaiah” (48:20), “Jeremiah” (50:8, 51:6, 9, 45), and Paul (II Corinthians 6:17).

    As the last of these scriptures adds, and quotes “Isaiah” 52:11, fleeing from modern Mystery Babylon means also eschewing and rejecting everything unclean, without which you cannot be saved or find true salvation.

    And unless your religion teaches this, you simply cannot be saved through such doctrinal error, falsehood and uncleanness!

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