The Pure Truth Restored

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May-June 2013  | Expanded Pentecost Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 30

Will You Save Yourself, Or Not?

    There is a very real war taking place right this very moment.

    It is a war in which you are a participant, and likely to become a casualty, if you don't take action right now to prevent it.

    And not just any action will suffice, either.

    It must be the correct action, or else your life could very well be forfeit, along with most of those you know or care for.

    How can I say this?

    Simply because there really is such a thing as a time machine like the Tartis in the science fiction stories called Dr. Who, and you carry it around with you everywhere you go.

    It's just that you are so familiar and used to this remarkable instrument, which is infinitely bigger inside than it appears outside, and you take it so much for granted, you probably are totally unaware that you have it, or can even begin to fathom its true capabilities.

Time Traveling

    If you can suspend disbelief long enough to be entertained by a fictional metaphor, such as a phone box that is really a cavernous space and time traveling machine, you should also be able to accept the fact that there is a very real equivalent in the actual world.

    And that is your very own mind...

    Through your mind you can see visions of entire worlds, many more and different people than you have ever met in your entire lifetime, travel anywhere -- and any time -- all while you stand, sit or lie there daydreaming.

    And when you dream while you are asleep during the night, your entire inner world expands to encompass all these things and so much more!

    When you read a history book, you are capable of traveling into the past, at least in a way that uniquely reflects your own knowledge, beliefs or concepts.

    Of course, what you imagine is often a lot different from the way things or people really were or are, even if you think you've read, heard or seen everything there is to know about the subject.

    That's because even those who were present and witnessed an event first hand often invent their memories of what happened, according to what they perceived through their senses, and interpreted or warped through their own unique value system.


    No two people seeing the exact same event will totally agree one-hundred percent about all the details, while often coloring, inventing or otherwise distorting the facts in their own image.

    You see what you pay attention to, and exclude whatever you ignore, either by force of habit or involuntarily, and usually don't even know that you're doing this.

    Let's face it, there are just too many details for the conscious mind to hold them all in memory, even though the unconscious perceptive ability really is capable of taking a photographic snapshot of every tiny little detail on a moment-to-moment basis, like an audio and video recorder, or a computer hard drive.

    Only you also record what you felt, smelled, and thought about what your senses were perceiving, and even your mental, emotional and spiritual attitudes, thoughts or feelings, pro or con, while also picking up and interpreting the attitudes, reactions and actions of those around you.

    You or they may be totally unaware of all this, as you react to such internal and external stimuli, yet everything your perceive, and so much more, is being recorded and stored for future use, much of which can later be recalled, albeit not perfectly.

    That's because you never really stop receiving, analyzing and interpreting, even when your main task is to recall some past event, thought or feeling, in relation to what is happening right now in your own private and personal world, view and understanding.

Belief vs. Reality

    The human mind is capable of very real time and space travel, either to distant solar systems and planets, or somewhere on the other side of the earth, even in a country far removed from your own, among people and places you have never personally seen or met.

    The perceived limitations of your physical body are, for the most part, the main thing preventing you from exploring such realms by overstepping the limits of time, space and thought.

    Not that everything you think is possible or real. Far from it.

    Conversely, you cannot possibly know everything there is to know about all things.

    So it's very possible for you to not believe in something that nevertheless is very real and true.

    Such is what I am about to relate to you, while most people today reject it without another thought.

    Yet I can assure you, from my own personal experience with it, that this is very, very real.

    Most would like to believe otherwise, if for no other reason because of what it implies of the reality of our world and our places in it.

    It just somehow seems saner these days to deny this pure truth than it does to openly admit the possibility, much less open the door of your mind to conceive of what prophecy actually means, implies and is capable of revealing!

Fulfilling Prophecy

    Prophecy is very real, and it is like traveling into the possible future -- even if you are just reading what somebody else saw and wrote about -- through actual prophetic visions or dreams.

    It is more likely than not the actual future for most people who doubt, ignore or disbelieve the prophecy, and is only a possibility for you according to how you react to it positively, by changing your behavior and attitudes in a humble, repentant, teachable way.

    What I'm about to relate to you is just such a prophecy.

    It will only become real for you if you disparage and reject it. It doesn't have to worry or bother you if you take the appropriate steps and actions, conforming your life from this day forward to the revealed will of your Creator, in obedience to His Laws, Commandments, Statutes, Judgments, and every inspired, prophetic word.

    If you do this you really can save yourself from a world of trouble, evil and perhaps even utter destruction and death in the lake of fiery lava, that will one day become the ultimate end for everyone who stubbornly, rebelliously, unrepentantly refuses to heed or change their evil thoughts or ways.

    There are some who take delight in torturing others daily, some who like a "good" fight inflicting untold damage and harm on anyone and everything they think is "deserving," and some who like to abuse innocent, unprotected people in their own country, or foreign lands -- those posing no threat whatever to them, their home or country -- serving those whose true intent is to rob and steal private property or natural resources for their own benefit, self-aggrandizement or power.

    If you are innocent of these things, but are found in the "camp" (city, county, state, nation) of such evildoers when the time for their judgment comes due, you could very well be in harm's way, with no protection against what they are going to receive by way of natural and supernatural disasters.

It's All Happened Before

    The only way to insure your own safety will be, when the time comes, to heed the prophetic warning that will be given in advance, instructing those who are wise and capable of hearing and obeying it, to flee away from the zone of disaster about to erupt in turbulent and destructive violence!

    This may even be an event of supposedly manmade judgment, such as a group of nations acting in concert, to revenge wrongs done in their part of the world, against the imperialist aggressors who have been ravaging their own or other nations with seeming impunity.

    It has happened many times before in history, to nations such as Babylon the Great, the Persian Empire, Greece, Rome, and in more recent times to Poland, Norway, Holland, the Benelux countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, France, and then finally the so-called Axis of Germany, Italy and Japan.

    Don't make the fatal mistake of thinking that it cannot happen to your country, wherever you live; especially if it is the British Isles, France, Spain, Canada, the United States or Australia.

Guilty Or Innocent?

    The present world powers will one day face a mighty and unstoppable foe from the north and east, and will fall to their invading forces, despite their every attempt to prevent this.


    Simply because they have actively engaged in plundering the rest of the world on behalf of a truly evil cabal of congressional, presidential, judicial and corporate raiders, thieves, plunderers, despots and tyrants.

    They are those who have tortured, killed and murdered their way into power, ill-gotten profits and gains -- or "justified" these things -- in foreign nations using numerous murderous false flag events (Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, the World Trade towers in 1993 and again on 9-11-01, the Aurora Colorado Batman movie shootings by yet another in a long line of supposed "lone gunmen," going all the way back to the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and hypno-controlled "Manchurian Candidate" Sirhan Sirhan's alleged murder of JFK's brother Bobby Kennedy, the Boston marathon massacre, and countless other similar events, even against children in schools and day care facilities).

    Perhaps you believe all the corporate and government-controlled press lies, deceptions, government-instigated and domineered cover-ups, destruction of incriminating evidence, and the like (which was the actual purpose for the targets hit on 9-11, including buildings 6 and 7 of the World Trade Center).

    If so there is probably nothing a true prophet could ever say to get you to change your easily deceived, misled, or perhaps even guilty co-conspirator mind (just as, under scriptural law, a witness who sees a crime taking place and is capable of assisting the victim(s), yet does nothing, is as guilty of the injustice as the attacker(s) or perpetrator(s) of the crime).

    On the other hand, if you are able to bear false accusations, insults and slanders -- such as "conspiracy theorist" (as though conspiracies, which are not unknown to history, are impossible in the modern world), or "wacko," "idiot" and the like, you should realize that things in an adversarial age -- such as the growing paranoid "security state" in which we presently live -- are often very different from what the majority are being lied to and misled to believe.

Openly Secretive Evil

    Deception, lies and coverups are at the heart and core of secretive agency agendas, and wherever you find these aligned with the media in a so-called quest for "truth and justice," what you are actually witnessing is often the exact opposite, despite what you might mistakenly believe!

    You are being pressured to take sides in an escalating worldwide conflict, the likes of which will make the anticipated World War III look like a school-yard fight by comparison.

    It will bring the entire world to the very brink of utter destruction of all life on earth, the dreaded but now increasingly disbelieved penultimate battle between good and evil called Armageddon.

    The good, in this case however, will not be any physical forces of any nation or group of nations.

    In fact, all of these will be arrayed on the side of pure evil, to do battle against the spiritual might of the returning Savior and His chosen resurrected elect, on the day He comes back to earth to subdue all evil, and rule all nations in righteousness, true justice and blessed peace, following this climactic battle between murderous, destructive spiritual devils, demons and their human host counterparts!

    This is a side of every major negative news event you are not being told, yet it is very real and terribly important for you to recognize, acknowledge and accept this fact for your own safety and survival.

    It is equally important for you to relate this pure truth to everyone you know or come into contact with, regardless how many will persecute, disparage, slander or berate you for daring to stand your ground in this way against their evil intentions, or disrespect for anything other than the wicked but thankfully temporary powers that presently be.

    Only in this way may others be saved from the coming disaster and cataclysm, thereby ensuring your own protection against the judgment, that all those who take the wrong side in this last major conflict will be forced to face finally.

    For all evil is only transient and has its end, despite the worst intentions of those who manipulate and mesmerize the masses, rallying them to stand behind, aiding and abetting their thoroughly evil desires and purpose, which is to destroy all life from planet earth, if that were possible.

Saving Yourself Now From Future Judgment

    There is, thankfully, a very real 2,000 year-young man who alone can and will save us from such a miserable end to the Creation He formed and made, before His incarnation in mortal human form.

    Mere mortality alone, however, could not prevent His resurrection and return to heaven, any more than all the forces of evil on earth can stop Him from returning and defeating their last-ditch attempt to thwart His righteous rule over the few who survive, to multiply and replenish the earth -- this time in perfect peace and tranquility -- as Noah and his family imperfectly did once upon a historical time.

    As the Messiach, or coming King over all human kings, presidents, legislators and judges, and High Priest over all carnal priests, ministers or ambassadors, He and His elect chosen servants or brethren will overtake every political institution, party, purpose and cause -- destroying every corporation, foundation, organization or religion to the contrary -- to eliminate all confusion, doubt and disregard for the only way that leads away from disastrous consequences, and into blessings that can never be lost.

    If you believe this, and call upon the name of Yahveh (for Yahvsave, meaning: Yahveh our Savior, is indeed the actual Messiach's name), in fervent belief and obedience -- despite every attempt to force you to recant or repent of your conversion to the actual pure truth -- you really can save yourself from this present wicked generation and its final just deserts!

    The only question remaining is: will you save yourself, or not?

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