The Pure Truth Restored

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Sept-Nov 2012  | Fall Issue  | Vol. 8, No. 26

Would You Obey The Devil?

    I know, that sounds a bit far-fetched, doesn't it?

    After all, who would knowingly obey the devil, right?

    Then again, what if the devil were speaking and acting through some individual you would normally trust and obey? What then?

    Would you just follow orders, if the devil were -- in a manner of speaking -- your commander-in-chief, or a supreme court judge writing his opinion for the majority, or a nationally known, respected and followed politician or news commentator, or even your local policeman or sheriff?

    How about a military commander? Or your boss at work?

    Have you ever unquestioningly obeyed, followed orders, or compromised where you knew or understood the consequences would be life or death to other, innocent people, without standing your ground and refusing to obey an obviously lawless command, edict, ruling or order?

    Many have, in the long sordid history of humanity!

Rightly Discerning Evil

    Today many more than the sum total of all who have gone before, who were guilty of such atrocities, are ready, willing and able to do just that, and far too many already have. Are you, or would you become, one of them?

    Of course, to know when something is down-wrong devilish, requires you to be informed of the difference between this and that which is not devil-inspired.

    How would you know? How could you tell?

    Unless you are firmly grounded in the knowledge and instruction of what constitutes works of the devil, as opposed to that which does not, how can you be certain you would not side with the devil?

    Even if you think you know how to tell that which is devilish from what is perhaps not so clearly not, are you dead certain you are not deceived by the devil into thinking yourself "righteous" even as you follow the devourer into the permanently destructive fires of hell itself?

    Many are those it seems, in this very age, who are so deceived, whose end will be far different from what they presently misbelieve.

    If you are wise, you will read very carefully everything you find on this site, because only the resources that you discover here can help you cut through all the crud, to finally learn the pure truth, which alone can lead you away from the devilish thoughts and inclinations of your all-too-carnal, overarchingly deceitful, and desperately wicked human heart (cf. "Jeremiah" 17:9).

    Then, and only then, may you find the difficult, if persecuted, path that leads to the true Savior and Creator, and through Him to life never-ending.

    Or like Eve, and then Adam, in the Garden of Eden, are you more willing to obey the devil -- and reap all the dreadful consequences of that fatal decision -- rather than obey your Creator and Savior instead?

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