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Sept-Nov 1984 A.R. (2014) | Fall | Vol. 10, No. 37

What Sort Of Thinker Are You?

A Video Message From the Publisher:

    There are two ways of thought at work in our world.

    The most common is vain thinking, while the rarest by far (to date) is humble thinking.

    The first leads to doing whatever seems "right" in your own eyes, without regard for others or the reality of the consequences, unintended perhaps, but real nonetheless.

    This results in a lot of "I didn't mean to" apologies, tragedies, and conflicts, ending in regrets, stress, illness, and death.

Sept-Nov 1984 A.R. (2014) | Fall | Vol. 10, No. 37

What Will History’s Final Lesson Be?

    The history of the earth has been one of murder, mayhem and misdeeds, ever since the first brother Cayen — whose rebellious actions led to his sacrifice being rejected — killed his sibling righteous brother Abel out of sheer envy (Genesis 4:1-16).

    Thousands of years later — over a thousand years from now — the final lesson of human history under the sway of the same deceitful, lying, conniving and duplicitous adversary and false accuser, who was directly behind Cayen’s sinful misdeeds, will take place.

Sept-Nov 1984 A.R. (2014) | Fall | Vol. 10, No. 37

Why Your Religion Can’t Save You

    There is one major reason why all so-called religions today give false hope in salvation that they are incapable of achieving.

    Unless you are paying attention to the one source for The Pure Truth you cannot know what that is, and are probably comforting yourself with a false hope in salvation you can never attain without it.

Sept-Nov 1984 A.R. (2014) | Fall | Vol. 10, No. 37

Vital Lessons From The Sacred Calendar

    There are exactly seven major annual occasions in the sacred calendar.

    These are the three festival observances (Passover and Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks or Pentecost, and the Feast of Ingathering or Tabernacles/Last Great Day).

    Add in the four New-Cycle Celebration Feasts -- spring, summer, fall or Reva (“Trumpets”) and winter -- for a total of seven.

Sept-Nov 1984 A.R. (2014) | Fall | Vol. 10, No. 37

How Are All Men Created Equal?

    In some respects, all men are created equal, in terms of Creator granted rights (to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; i.e. inviolate private ownership of property used in ways that do not infringe upon the rights of others to these same blessings, either morally or physically).

    Yet in many other ways, we are not all created equal in nearly every other respect.

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